Being a very well-planned area, this location helps residents experience a settled environment within a balanced zone. Since overcrowded areas are a nuisance to residents and a balance needs to be brought about, this place is designed to provide a range of amenities that comprises medical centers, schools, universities, and recreational centers.
There are light green walls in the abode, giving it a unique color overall that will look vibrant if you decorate the space well. There are four bedrooms and three washrooms. Two of the bedrooms are on one side and balconies are attached to both of them. These bedrooms also have washrooms attached to them, making them suitable as the master bedroom and semi-master bedroom. There is one space in the middle that can be used as the dining and drawing area.
Property Features:
South faced
Covered Area: 6.5
Number of Floors: 7
Maintenance Staff
Dedicated Security Guard
Cleaning Services
Nearby Amenities: NSU, IUB, Apollo Hospital
Don’t miss this affordable offer and we are just a call away to close the deal for you!